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Writer's picture Sylvie & jc

Blog Dia 45: Pigs on a Wing, flying through Time

Pigs on a Wing are two of my favorite songs, including Pigs (three different ones) if you know what counts.

Finding the time to write Blog Dia has become more difficult. It would be easier if it was merely hiding instead of flying. When you don't have it, they say you must take it to make it, yet sometimes not wasting it means losing some. Time is also a great song by the way.

So here I am, in the middle of the night, with some low volume pink floyd in the background wondering what to write about, now that I have the time to take, least not waste.

Not that I'm staying up to write, but the pigs...the wild pigs, have been ripping up our beautiful bermuda grass lawn, again. So I've bought a lead pellet gun and I'm determined to throw some weight around!

Problem is we don't know what time they come, so in the meantime, I was wondering what Pigs on a Wing actually means because after all this time, I just never asked myself because I knew I didn't have the answer. I asked Googled though, now I know. So I have more to write about because it turns out I'm writing from my office which is in a blind spot from the Girasol apartment in front of which the pigs land.

Dixie warned us last night, but we did not listen to her and made her come inside. Tonight we have an empty villa, the only night I can sneak into Girasol from inside and shoot from its kitchen door. So Dixie is outside and I'm writing while I wait for her to start barking, warning me, eh eh, of Pigs on a Wing.

Usually I would be sleeping, and she would be barking, then I would no longer be sleeping. Now I'm not sleeping, and she's not barking. I should go to bed, right? But I have time to tell you about why we've not had much time being too busy having a good time being busy. Really. But in this day and age photos are the receipts of time.

And so that's where the problem really started, not that it started as a problem, it's just that it became a problem as I started.

I was going to talk about how we've been full as never before, seeing continued growth in all seasons and even hit above 90% high season. 2024 is already filling up. Maybe we'll have a lull in February... next year! We've been working year round and round. A big house comes with its daily dose of things to fix, maintain, renovate or do. And that's what we've done. I learned early, in the past, that only those who do, make mistakes. And that's what we've done too while we've been busy doing what we do.

I was about to start with the new sheds we built, one for the scooters and quad to have proper shelter, and the other one as a little tool shop to finally centralise all the tools and equipment. That's when I accidently deleted 3 months worth of photos. All our pics, all the material, the whole season of pictures in one silly gesture. Don't ask, I'm not talking about it. They are gone.

It ended before I got started and so I turned my attention to the quad bike that as you might have guessed would not...start.

That was good for about a month worth of not having time to start because it won't start so we keep busy being ready because otherwise we just wouldn't have the time. How it flies. We celebrated our first fully booked day, then week, and this year, month, that seems like it was just yesterday.

That is the accomplishment of work we obtain in our trade with time, but as mentioned before, in order to have the time, sometimes you have to lose some which may include a daily dose of sleep. S and I being both addicted we decided to call time out between 20:00 and 08:00. So we will be doing transfers only for VIP guests and only during daytime hours. Uber is now well established and taxis are cheap. Our beauty rest is priceless, even if its effectiveness remains in question.

Times are changing for the better anyway. Business is strong and continues to bloom. Yet that virus took a bite out of us that we don't really expect to ever recover, call it long-Covid for small business. We don't expect to recover any more than we expect to be younger, but we try every day because we know time may be elastic, sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow, but it never will stop. So an idea now for something next year is just a seed to grow, and for those who follow and read there is some more here to know:

We want to thank our guests for the 2nd record year we are enjoying, and so although the next year will be future, the rates will stay past. All the more we have a growing number of returning and VIP guests, who all book with us directly.

Guests only ever book with the first time, if ever. So only those reading this now will know that from 2024 we will no longer be offering the free transfers and car for bookings of 7 days or more, unless made by direct booking with us or through our web-site .

Another way of saying not on, or saying for returning guests and VIPs only, but it could be your first booking on our web-site and that would be ok too, so the previous sentence is the one that will be published once it is amended to read: Car and Transfers included only for direct bookings of 7 days or more.

You now know a head like Einstein, the deal does not change other than relative to where you come from because the curve is the most direct path to any destination. Right?

Now, in terms of time, has many dimensions. This now would also be a good time for Spock to beam me up. Dixie is not barking, it's late, it is a very late night now type of now in terms of time of day. And Dixie is asleep outside. No pigs in the air tonight. Just me.

Ah well, maybe next time.

Ever say that?

Next time never happens without a first time otherwise the next is the first, no? It actually doesn't exist without an anchor such as an event or place, a reason to sublimate its existence into memory.

So while I go get some sleep of my own, I'm sure you agree I might need it, I leave this question :

If you haven't come to Monte-Bougainvillea yet to see what it's all about, isn't it about time?

Hope to see you sooner, rather than later, because time may fly, but never as fast as when it runs out.

Don't let it. Book now :-)





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