I got up and as usual headed for the kitchen to turn the kettle on, then open the door to let the dog out. It was a bit before 9. I was greeted by the stream of warm summer air perfumed in greenery, so early in the day, so early in the year?!
We have been gaining daylight and warmth fast. Winter and spring last year were usually cold, grey and wet. Portugal had been totally dry for almost a year, everybody prayed for rain and it worked. We got 7 weeks of torrential rain. National emergencies concerning fires and drought subsided, as well as our enthusiasm.
Everyone around was telling us the weather was not normal. It should be warmer, it should not rain as much, we should have more sun. Not normal. But we had just moved here wearing rose tinted glasses in big part because of what we expected to be normal, and that specifically excluded cold and rain.
The Algarve advertises 300+ days per year of sunshine. On rit jaune. We started doing the mental math... It didn't help that meanwhile the region up north where we came from was also having unusual weather: Sunny and Hot. Hotter than the south! The world was upside down.
Maybe it still is. But this morning I realized we actually have not had much rain at all since last year. It never lasts long. Probably not enough. Jan & Feb have been sunny. Mornings and evenings are chilly, temperatures drop as fast as the sun but during the day we regularly reach mid 20's since a few weeks already. Today we went over 30 for a few hours. Is this the normal everyone was talking about last year? We can live with that one.
And we can work outside. The Villa is done. White. Renovated. Last year we had renovations to do, and bad weather. So while we intended to clean our entire plot of the planet, we only managed half. This year we have been able to already do a lot of clearing trimming and grooming. I find it interesting that here it is during winter that the fields are green and lush. During the summer everything dries out dead brown. In the winter it's all greens, like in the North, during summer. Weird. But our faces aren't as pale and I don't need to mow the lawn as often. Cool.
Picking beautiful bouquets of wild flowers to decorate the house is also not something that comes to mind in the middle of winter, normally. All sorts are popping up here and there from short little pretties to long stem majesties in white, red, violet and yellow. Oh and the oranges! Florida can keep their juice.
But the real beauty of all this is how it is sublimed by it's celestial canvass, Mister blue sky. The Algarve blue sky. It can be so blue you can taste it. Here is a selection of our favorite blue sky pictures. Like? Share. Come!
Why not book yourself a little slice?
Our 2019 calendar is slowly but surely filling up. Some people have booked a year in advance, don't leave your spot to chance. And remember we still have our Cold March soul warming special :
Book 1 week or more arriving prior 15th March 2019 and pay 350 euros flat rate for a 1 bedroom apartment +car + transfers (425 euros for 2 bedroom apartment+ car+ transferts)
BTW our prices for April and May are worth checking out too...
Just call us on +351 249 497, and mention this specially coded passphrase " I would like to make a booking please" and we will immediately put you in liaison with our special promotions department. And if you can't make it, you can still show your colors by spreading the love. Because you know, the best love is to share. Pleeaaaase share. Hope to see you soon,
Sylvie & jc
Villa Monte-Bougainvillea