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Writer's picture Sylvie & jc

Blog Dia 9: Our first guests just left...

As you can imagine these were good friends, doing a pilot run of our accommodations.

The feedback is positive so we are comforted that we on the right track, but the visit and time off was really the best part. We needed a little break. The good company and great weather were more than welcome.

In the meantime we are officially opened now and we've published a lot a new pictures, mostly of the interiors, finally! Our website is updated and you can now see pretty much every angle of the apartments in their current condition. There is still work to do, decorations are moving around in search of their 'place', some curtains are still missing and the BBQ's will only be delivered in 2 weeks, but we are progressing steadily towards our ' hosting' mode.

We've also completed the purchase our our car fleet, 4 Fiat Panda's and 1 Fiat 500 for Rosas, our smallest apartment. Fresh pictures can be seen on our website, our Facebook page and now also on Airbnb. This is an important part of our offer, to include the car and insurance with the apartment rental and we are very happy to have found these great little cars in almost new condition. We hope clients will be pleased with the package. A quick note about Airbnb: The prices on our website are lower. We list on Airbnb, but our direct prices are better :-) 

Next, among a growing list of to do's, we will be publishing a french version of our website. Speaking of which, French in certainly in vogue around the Algarve. This is not something we expected. Not only is there a rapidly growing french community settling in the region, but the locals are picking up the language just as quickly, so we hear a lot of french spoken everywhere. Even if we approach someone in English, they will detect our francophone accent and respond in french. And always in a most helpful, kind, accommodating way. Everyone we've met has been friendly and helpful. 100%. Anyway, if you spot the little french flag at the top right of your website, and it doesn't work, that's normal. It's still under construction, but it is on it's way. At least now all the pictures on our website are updated and visible. You can see the apartment interiors and the cars that come with the apartments.

Also on it's way is our next booking of guests. We have a trickle lined up from here to August, which is almost fully booked, then a pocket of bookings in November.

So it seems we are off to a good start just as the season begins. But now we need to fill the rest of our calendars.

And for this we ask for your affection and support. The best way to like us is to share. Share this post or our links. We need a little internet buzz to get ourselves out there.

Ultimately you might consider Monte-Bougainvillea for yourself and we would be more than pleased!

Until then we would be happy if you would make a few clicks to share our message.

Obrigado in advance,

et bom fim de semana!

Sylvie & jc



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